Martes, Hulyo 5, 2011

Advantages and Disadvantages of using Computer


     The advantages are the most obvious, and to list them would take a long time; also, of course, it depends on what you're using them for. Overall, though, some of the key benefits are: instant communication, all over the world; storage of vast amounts of information ( in the end all the knowledge ever recorded could be online and available to all; fast development of technology of all kinds.) Whether you are an engineer, a biochemist, a clerk or a shop assistant, computers will lay some part in helping you develop systems and improve what you do.
     One of the biggest advantages in using a computer in education is the computer makes learning relevant. It gives students instants access to information. Students can ask questions of other students in other parts of the world or look for an answer to a question about science and received that answer in a matter of seconds. They witness what others students are studying and realized the relevance of their studies and how it can affect them and others in their daily lives. Not only the youth can used the computer but also the older one's.


     The teenagers of today's society have changed dramatically due to the computer. Nowadays, the majority of teenagers have a PC and it has played a key role in their lives. Teenagers need to be equipped with knowledge of computer technology, as most things in life require the use of computers. One disadvantage of owning a computer is the information that students can access from the internet. The internet has also made the youth of today quite lazy, especially in terms of their education. If a students needs to research information for school, the merely access a relevant site and download the information, rarely paying attention to written. Purchasing the network cabling and file servers can be expensive. If the file server breaks down the files on the file server become inaccessible. Viruses can spread to other computers throughout a computer network. There is a danger of hacking, particularly with wide area networks. Computers are very engaging on children as well as adults. Kids with access to software that is not age appropriate may be exposed to such negative influences as violence, strong language, and over-stimulation from fast-action graphics.
     Disadvantages may include greater complexity of life - everyone now has to learn a lot of skills even to use computers at a simple level. They also generate a lot of extra work such as answering emails, and producing high quality documents for all occasions. Some people think we are becoming deskilled - forgetting how to do simple things like metal arithmetic, and also the availability of so much knowledge doesn't necessarily mean that we, individually, know more. It's easy to think that you have understood a topic, just because you can download a fact sheet about it.


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